The public sector is a great place to launch or further develop a legal career. It’s a challenging and dynamic environment that blends a commitment to public service and opportunities to extend yourself professionally. Whether your passion is in environmental issues, child welfare, or economic growth, there is a government agency working in that area.
The Government Legal Network (GLN) supports and connects lawyers and legal teams working across government. It is led by the Attorney-General and Solicitor-General as New Zealand’s two Law Officers. Their work is supported and informed by departmental Chief Legal Advisors.
The GLN is made up of over 1000 lawyers in central government and Crown entities.
By leveraging collective legal expertise, the GLN addresses a broad spectrum of complex legal matters, promotes rewarding career pathways for government lawyers and assists the Crown in the delivery of better public services to New Zealanders.
Learn more about the Government Legal Network and working as a lawyer in government.
If you are interested in a career as a government lawyer, opportunities are posted on jobs.govt.nz and shared on our LinkedIn page.